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Jeffrey Sassmannshausen, MD

If you decide to jump on the bandwagon, and you should, we want to help you better understand the differences between traditional facial shaving vs Dermaplaning. Although it’s similar in concept to shaving, dermaplaning (which is offered by Three Rivers Dermatology & Windy Ridge Skin Care Centre) is much more precise and beneficial to the skin than shaving.

Dermaplaning is similar to shaving in that both use a blade to remove unwanted facial hair, but the similarities stop there. While the dermaplaning treatment rids the skin of the fine vellus hair (peach fuzz), it also encourages skin cell renewal and leaves the face looking refreshed and more youthful. This wonder treatment works in a number of different ways to improve the health and beauty of the face, and it does it all with no downtime. And contrary to popular belief, a close shave does not cause the facial hair to grow back thicker or darker.


This non-invasive skin treatment scrapes away dead skin cells from the face, allowing new ones to rise to the surface leading the skin to actively rejuvenate itself. Shaving, on the other hand, effectively removes unwanted facial hair, but it doesn’t go nearly as far in terms of exfoliating and renewing the face.

After your treatment, your at-home skincare routine will also become more effective after you’ve had a dermaplaning treatment. This is because your skin will be free of dead skin and fine hairs allowing your face to drink up the serums and moisturizers you apply. For this reason, the days after your treatment are not the time to skimp on your at-home routine. Instead, this is when you should use your highest quality products.

Most of us are accustomed to safely and easily shaving our legs or even our faces with a manual razor at home. But performing a dermaplaning treatment with a surgical blade is a whole new ball game and a much more precise process and shouldn’t be tried at home.

While beauty fads come and go, dermaplaning is here to stay and we think you will love what it can do for you!


Boost your dermaplaning treatment and pair with a DiamondGlow Dermalinfusion treatment for next level smoothness!

If you are interested in learning more, give us a call today! 260.436.9696